News — Winter

Winter Camping

Adventure Camping Canvas and Paddle Get Outside Hiking Michigan Camping Michigan Winter Up North Winter Winter Activity

Winter can seem endless, but a lot of outdoors men and women don’t let a little cold weather / snow stand in their way of camping! Winter camping is popular in all parts of Northern Michigan, but there are a few spots that are favorites: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Park: This is a cool spot (literally!) to see ice pancakes and beautiful winter scenes. Camping is allowed throughout the park. Sources claim that Chapel Loop is the best spot, which is a 10.4 mile loop. Porcupine Mountains: If you want to go camping, but not have the full outdoor experience...

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Winter Island Update

Adventure Behind the Scenes Blog Get Outside Mackinac Mackinac Island Mackinac Island Winter Outside Winter Winter Activity

It seems like winter will never end all over Michigan and Mackinac Island is no different! While there are no cars on the island, the roads still must be kept clear for other modes of transportation. Some people say that the average snowfall Mackinac Island gets each year is 94 inches, while the United State’s average snowfall is just 26 inches. That should give you a good idea of how buried Mackinac Island is under snow during winter. Currently, the ice bridge is open and used to get back and forth from Mackinac Island to the mainland. While this is...

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Canvas and Paddle Winter Picnic

Adventure Camping Canvas and Paddle Get Outside Hiking Outside Winter Winter Activity Winter Picnic

February 2nd, Groundhog Day, marked the official halfway point of the winter season being over. If you are anything like our staff, you can’t wait to get outside this spring! The weather will be warm and biking around the island sounds like the best idea in the world. But since there is still a long winter ahead, doesn’t a winter picnic sound like the perfect way to break the indoor monotony? Hop in the car, head to your favorite state park, bundle up and get ready for an adventure! Take a hike, snowshoe or cross-country ski while working up an...

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